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Water Mitigation Adjusting for Floor Adjusters – April 21st, 2011

January 3, 2011 11:08 am

“Present information and the standards of the processes, costs and methodologies used in the water mitigation process as it applies to flood claims adjusting and handling”.

At the end of the seminar, the flood adjuster will walk away with a increased understanding of the mitigation equipment requirements and the knowledge to amicably settle mitigation losses within the National Flood Insurance Program guidelines.

All Seasons Adjusting is sponsoring this seminar on April 21, 2011 in Reading, PA at the Berks Fire Water Restoration facility.

This seminar will be Pennsylvania Continuing Education Accredited for 6 CE. The remainder of the day will be question and answer discussions relative to mitigation settlements concerns.  

If planning to attend, please email by March 1, 2011.