The annual All Seasons Adjusting, Inc. flood claims workshop will be held on March 10th, 2017 in Sunrise Florida following the FEMA NFIP Adjuster Claims Presentation on March 9th, at the Doubletree Sunrise – Sawgrass Mills, 13400 West Sunrise Blvd., Sunrise, FL 33323.
This years ASA workshop theme is “Step Back”. We will be looking at ways to help the ASA Team of adjusters to organize their time relative to the entire arc of processing a flood claim to meet ASA clients initiatives and expectations.
Attendees will be provided a .pdf of the updated “ASA Kool Aid” along with a chance to win one of two Apple iPad’s.
ASA is always looking for good adjusters to develop into great flood adjusters. If you are interested in becoming part of the ASA team, please click the wording at the upper right of this page “Join the ASA Team”.
All Seasons Adjusting, Inc. only handles flood claims, nothing else. As a result, the ASA team has consistently provided the highest flood file quality in this industry.
As a member of the Flood Professional Claims Association, we encourage that you click the link below to join this flood adjuster specific organization along with taking their survey.