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New Flood Adjuster Training “Nuts & Bolts” Workshop

February 20, 2013 11:29 am

All Seasons Adjusting will be holding a two day workshop for adjusters who want to know the “nuts and bolts” of the flood adjusting process. This workshop will include, how does one get a flood assignment, what is a FNOL, how to organize your flood claim work load, how to effectively set expectations and communicate with the policy holders, completing a NFIP Preliminary Report, understanding improper property ratings, completing a NFIP Final Report, what is a narrative and what is needed to make your flood file stand out,  understanding the SFIP and many more insights making your first flood claim stand out.

I have heard from many people who want to get into the adjustment of flood claims, but really have nowhere to start or get the needed training. When I started, no one volunteered this information let alone provide a workshop to get started on the right track. The NFIP needs new flood adjusters to have sustainability, so learn from one of the best by attending the ASA New Flood Adjuster Training “Nuts & Bolts” Workshop.

By the time you leave this workshop, you will have the basic knowledge of the SFIP, and what makes a good flood file and where to get the work.

Workshop to be held in July ’12 in Philadelphia, PA at a cost of $ 495.00 p/p. If you want to attend, respond to by April 1st, 2012 as space is limited.