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CFGA: Certified Flood General Adjuster

February 20, 2012 11:26 am

Certified Flood General Adjuster (CFGA) is a designation that will uniquely identify the recipient as a person who is professional in the adjustment of flood claims. As a professional, CFGA have proven their abilities in adjusting complicated residential and commercial flood losses. CFGA consistently exceed the NFIP standards and WYO expectations for exceptional flood claim reporting. CFGA’s have the keen knowledge of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) and can communicate the program coverages  and caveats.  And such, CFGA’s are recognized as leaders in the adjustment of flood claims.

The Certified Flood General Adjuster (CFGA) designation is a awarded to individuals who exceed the NFIP standards and WYO expectations relative to the adjustment of flood claims. The process in obtaining this designation is not based upon taking and passing a test, but providing a redacted closing report to be reviewed by a several panelist who provide an acceptable/unacceptable result.

Upon earning the CFGA designation, the receipt will be recognized as a leader in the adjustment of flood claims.

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